Relationships Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse
by Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., 2003
Installation of mind control programming relies on the capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off
personalities to "hold" and "hide" programming. Already dissociative children are prime "candidates"
for programming. Alternatively, very young children may be made dissociative by trauma-based programming. The extreme abuse
inflicted on young children in intra-familial satanic and "black" witchcraft cults reliably causes dissociation.
Children in these cults are programmed to the extent that the cult's leaders understand mind control programming. Organized
and sophisticated abuser groups with world-power or organized crime agendas infiltrate these cults to gain access to these
readily-programmable children. In exchange for the privilege of being allowed to install self-serving programs in these children,
the organized abuser group provides the cult parent with a large fee (thousands of dollars), favor, or information, such as
some of its programming secrets.
Simple to Moderately Complex Programming
1. Psychic driving (Film, "The Sleep Room", about CIA funding of Ewen Cameron, MD in the 1950s)
2. Unidimensional edicts communicated during severe abuse, convincing the affected personalities that the abuse will re-occur
if the programmed mandate is broken. The most common simple programs are commands to never remember (re-associate into consciousness)
the abuse and never disclose the abuse.
3. Pronouncements; claims, curses, covenants, etc., paired with abuse, that convince personalities they are controlled
by evil entities, or forever malevolently defined as., e.g., forever evil, physically or mentally ill, socially devalued
and isolated, sexually enslaved, a murderer, a cult member, a witch, etc.
4. Examples of process: "The first five steps of discipline" Svali, 1999, see http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/svali/2000/11/chapter04.html
Moderately to Very Complex Programming
It has been my unfortunate experience to have been forced to conclude that sophisticated abuser groups within the United
States of America are using torture to install complex mind control programming in our children in order to further their
own political or religious agendas (See Hersha, L; Hersha, C., Griffis, D., & Schwarz, T. (2001) Secret weapons: Two sister's
terrifying true story of sex, spies, and sabatage. Far Hills, New Jersey: New Horizon Press, and Ross, C.A. (2000) Bluebird:
Deliberate creation of multiple personality by psychiatrists. Richardson Texas: Manitou Communications).
This involves:
1. Torture involving states of extreme pain and terror, to the point of near-death, is required to install mind control
programming. These states are induced through electroshock, toxins that cause pain or temporary paralysis, assault, painful
bondage or pressure, rape,, extreme cold (submersion in ice water is common), heat, burning suffocation, near-drowning, spinning,
hanging, inversion, exposure to torture, mutilation, or murder of others, and/or prolonged isolation, starvation, dehydration,
or sensory deprivation. States of despair, self-hatred, paranoia, and global distrust of humanity, are also effective. These
are induced through forcing the child to hurt or kill others, often loved ones and pets, sexual humiliation, convincing the
child that all important attachment figures are abusers, and convincing the child that he or she is now controlled and overseen
by surgically implanted monitoring devices or "spiritual assignments" of demons, malevolent spirits, curses, hexes,
vexes, claims, etc.
2. Children must be very young in order for mind control programming to be initially installed, under 4 or 5 years of
age. Modifications to the original programming can be made later.
3. One of the central functions of most mind control programs is to cause the victim to physically and psychologically
re-experience the torture used to install the programming should she or he act in violation of the programmed commands. The
re-experience of the original torture often includes somatic manifestation of the original injuries, such as bruising and
swelling, though not to the degree of the original injury.
4. The most complex programs consist of personalities buried deep in the unconscious mind perceiving themselves, visually
(in images) and somatically (in experiences of pain, suffocation, electroshock, etc.), to be attached to, or trapped within,
"structures", such as buildings, devices of torture, machines, containers, etc. These structures serve as containers
for the programmed commands, messages, and information.
5. Mind control continues to control the victim's thoughts and actions for decades, often for life, with no conscious
awareness of the programming or of the personalities under its control, usually completing programmed actions unconsciously,
sometimes feeling only a conscious compulsion to do, or not do, something. Survivors of organized abuse who re-associate their
history of abuse usual begin to recover their memories between 30 and 50 years of age. It generally takes many more years
for the survivor to become aware of the mind control programming and it's ongoing effects on her or him.
6. The commands and structures installed during torture, and the detailed recollection of the torture itself, remain amazingly
stable and fixed over time, from the toddler years until at least middle age, with incredibly little deterioration of memory
(stored information) over time. The "memory capacity" in the programmed unconscious mind is enormous, holding vast
amounts of detailed information, including lengthy "strings" of encoded information, that could never be stored
in conscious awareness.
7. Program "triggers", "cues", and "access codes" easily allow the programmer to regain
access to the programmed personalities or program "structures" to install or change commands, messages, and information,
and to retrieve information, all out of the victims' awareness.
8. Programming overides the victim's free will and beliefs. Programmed people follow commands and perform actions that
are in clear violation of their free will, moral principles, and spiritual convictions.
9. Programmers gain access to victims of other groups and deliberately "program over" competitor group's programming
to dominate the behavior of the person
10. Such programming exists in an alarming number of people
11. Attempting to remove or disable it without great expertise "sets off" programmed self-destruction and negative
health/mental health consequences, all by the programmers' intentions.
It is the responsibility of all clinicians working with highly dissociative and ritually abused people to research this
topic and proceed with extreme caution.
Some Indicators of Mind Control Programming.
A. Repetitive statements that seem robotic, or do not make sense in the context of the dialogue.
B. Compulsive or ritualized behaviors, especially self-mutilation, singing the same song
C. Fearful reactions to benign stimuli, such as colors, shapes, cartoon characters, lights, brands of food.
D. Telephone reactions; e.g., strong startle response to phone ringing, many hang-up calls to the home, a compulsion to
make calls (often toll-free), finding the phone in his/her hand in early am hours.
Web-sites on Mind Control: See last page on this website