Overview of the Differences Between Satanism and Witchcraft (this does not refer to modern Wicca)
(Copyright Steve Oglevie, 2003)
Satanism: Cosmological dualism between two male gods. Fueled by rebellion against the Catholic Church's perceived excesses.
Began in 9/10 C.
Witchcraft: Paleolithic era (before 10,000 B.C.) fertility cult worship of the "Great Mother" (the earth) across
the world.
Satanism: Satan viewed as the real God. "Each man is a god himself". In the inquisition,witchcraft images were
applied to Satan; goat's head, horns. Satanists tried to enhance Satan's power for his usurpation of God's position in 1999.
They know this failed.
Witchcraft: Males worship male fertility gods. Females worship female fertility gods. Males and females worship "Mother
Earth". They believe that the battle for dominance between men and women on earth affects the conflict for dominance
between the male and female deities.
Relationship to Christianity:
Satanism: Rebellion against Judao-Christian worship of God. Infiltration of the church to undo its work and decrease the
power of Jesus. Reverse words from the bible and the mass. "Forbidden fruit is the sweetest".
Witchcraft: Hatred for Christianity, especially the Roman Catholic Church, largely originating in the Roman-Catholic
Inquisition of the Middle Ages. Infiltration of the church to subvert worship and to curse participants.
Spiritual Goals of Abuse:
Satanism: Abuse of the spirit to make victims believe Lucifer is the light-bringer and Jesus is the deceiver. Pain of
children is offered in sacrifice to balance the power of the gods, to give more power to Satan, and decrease the power of
Christianity and God.
Witchcraft: Abuse of the soul of victims to create enough "space" to hold witch spirits perceived to live from
body to body. Claims, curses, part-spirits of deceased and live witches, and demons, are "sent" to other people
through transfer of body fluids, saliva, tissue, feces, urine, breath, and more, in rituals involving extreme physical and
sexual torture and human and animal sacrifice. Pain is used to appease deities and empower followers.
Abuse of the Will:
Satanism: They seek to over-ride the will, to make free will ineffective. Mind control is used to over-ride the will and
to control the mind without conscious knowledge.
Witchcraft: They seek to mold the will of a child so the child believes he/she is just like them. Use of deception, false
blessings, claims, covenants, etc., are used to involve the child's will, to make the child to believe he/she is evil so he/she
will invite evil in.
Goals of Sexual Abuse:
Satanism: To abuse the spirit, using the body and sexuality to get to the spirit, to empower Satan. To indulge primal
desires. Child pornography and prostitution for income.
Witchcraft: To wound and dominate the soul. Orgasm and pain, in combination, are used to appease each gender's fertility
deities. Witch spirits are "transferred" to victims via menstrual blood, semen, etc., to reside, control, harass,
and watch.
Other Goals of Abuse:
Satanism: To create cult-loyal alters with mind control systems to serve the cult and to protect its secrets.
Witchcraft: To create cult-loyal alters who willingly serve the cult and protect its secrets.
Purpose of Sacrifices:
Satanism: To gain power, transfer power, and strengthen and share in the power of Satan and demons.
Witchcraft: Worship of their respective fertility deities. Females offer sacrificial and menstrual blood to Mother Earth
for females. Males offer semen and blood and water from "Father Sky" to keep Mother Earth fertile for males.
Roles of Males and Females:
Satanism: Males dominate. Women have lesser roles. Both sexes are included in rituals.
Witchcraft: Female groups dominate male groups. They are rivals for power and dominance. Men hate women because they can
give life. Women hate men for a male-dominated culture. Each gender abuses, sacrifices and eats infants of the opposite gender.
Demons and Magic:
Satanism: Satan and lesser "demons" are spiritually attached to victims' personalities to terrorize and torment
them, and to continually reinforce complex mind control.
Witchcraft: Attachment of male and female gods and demons to reinforce curses, claims, etc. and to fuel harassment by
attached spirits, etc. Attempt to gain power and harm others supernaturally with sorcery, spells, hexes, charms, astral travel,
coming together on "sacred ground" in a circle, etc.
Religious Belief and Practice:
Satanism: Emphasis on perfection in very complex ritual practices and obedience to the Satanic calendar.
Witchcraft: Emphasis on perfection in keeping the secret life hidden. Perfection in complex ritual practices and observance
of the sun (male) and moon (female) cycles.
Satanism: Satanists predicted for hundreds of years that at the end of the last millennium, Satan would usurp God's position,
rule the universe, his loyal followers would be resurrected, and only Satanists would have eternal life. This day came and
went without event. Victims are realizing that all of their sacrifice, obedience to the rituals, and perfection were for naught.
Cult leaders are having difficulty maintaining their hold of fear over their subjects.
Witchcraft: Each gender predicts that in the early 21st C., Mother Earth will destroy all other people. Only they will
survive, and the souls of their ancestors, kept mortal in the bodies of their "chosen ones", will be resurrected.
Female witches predict they will be the sole inhabitants of the earth and not need males to procreate. Male witches predict
only they will survive and will have eternal life.
A Few Pointers to Become Free
Satanism: Become conscious of the mind control installed and the trauma that was used to install it. Destroy the structures
and refuse the directives. Then rescue "parts" (personalities) from the trauma. Demons cannot remain against one's
will. By one's will, and/or the will of the affected "parts", alone, demons can be encapsulated and must leave.
Witchcraft: Pray a perimeter of protection against everything of witchcraft. Become conscious of the trauma used to install
curses, claims, spirits, demons, etc. Refuse, and/or renounce in prayer, everything of witchcraft; claims, curses, false blessings,
covenants, spirits, demons, portals, etc. Then rescue the parts from the trauma.
Click below to go to the page on this website that shows photographs of what is most likely an abusive witchcraft ritual
Abusive Witchcraft "Sacred Ground"