Advocacy for Victims of Ritual Abuse: Please go to my updated site: http://endritualabuse.org/

Huge Ancient Tree with Three Parts Laying on Ground; Pit Behind Trifurcated Tree |
In the upper left quadrant of this photograph is a huge, ancient Eucalyptus tree, with three of its four parts now laying
on the ground. One part still stands. The base of the trunk of this huge tree is slightly more than five feet in diameter.
On the right is a trifurcated tree, which is at the west end of an oblong ring of rocks, with a concrete slab at the east
end. To the left of this tree is a partially-discernable ring of rocks, about 5 feet in diameter, that may have been where
a fire was lit. Between the two trees is a recessed pit that is about six feet in diameter. Click below to return to more
photographs and an explanation about why this was likely a Withcraft ritual abuse site.
Abusive Witchcraft "Sacred Ground"